π¦ Bacteria Club
(Society of Explorers) 2022
Commissioner: Site Gallery
Location: Sheffield
Team: Hannah, Ross
Bacteria Club worked with Site Galleries, youth programme; Society of Explorers. Hosting evening workshops where we talked through our practice and project. And navigated some urban wild spaces around the city collecting ingredients, and yeasts.
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We led the group through creative taste and trust sessions where they responded to known and strange fermented foods. Writing and drawing responses to the varying flavours, smells and texture profiles that the foods have.
Together we made an apple cider vinegar. Turning the whole batch into an incantation of spells. Finally a public event was designed utilising input from participants. And leading the public through the same tasting trusting workshop. How interesting to talk about trust in public space especially related to packaged or unknown foods.
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Social Pickle is collective fermentation project. Working around access, health, care and waste.
Designed and built by Ross Bennett
website created with Laytheme